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How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne


Baby Acne

Babies are born with smooth, clear skin, but around the second to fourth week, some develop facial rashes. This is called baby acne. Let's have a brief look of causes and  treatment of baby acne ...

pictures of baby acne

What is Baby Acne?

Babies are born with smooth, clear skin, but around the second to fourth week, some develop facial rashes. This is called baby acne. The rash can have tiny red, yellow, or white dots or red blotches. At work are the hormones in your baby's body, which cause an overproduction of skin oil. The oil glands and pores then become clogged, creating that pimply look.

When and How Baby Acne Appears?

Baby acne can be present at birth but typically appears at three to four weeks of age. Fleshy or red pimples occur predominantly on the cheeks, but are also quite common on the forehead, eyelids, chin, neck, and upper chest may also become involved. Comedones are sometimes present.

The acne will be most well-known when the baby is hot or fussy, or when the skin is irritated. Occasionally during the first year a baby develops inflamed pimples and blackheads on his or her face, which look very similar to a mild form of  teenage acne . It is an uncommon condition called baby acne and tends to occur in babies from families with a strong history of teenage acne, although this is not always the case.

Diagnosis and Causes of Baby Acne:

Acne-like breakouts in babies can be difficult to diagnose accurately because there are different, usually temporary and harmless conditions of the skin that often look very similar but have different underlying causes. The cause of baby acne is unknown. There are many sebaceous glands on the face, back and chest. With acne these glands become plugged. This causes white heads, black heads and inflammation.

  • Eighty-five percent of babies have some acne.
  • Acne is not dangerous and almost always goes away eventually.
  • For the teenager for whom looks are very important, acne is a catastrophe.
  • Acne seems to run in families.
  • Several temporary hormonal imbalances can occur in the neonatal period that may play a role in the newborn period; however, blackheads, which are the typical lesion seen on adolescent acne, are not seen in acne of babies. There can also be involvement of yeast called pityrosporum, the conditions that normally cause acne. This type of rash is not harmful to the child and can be treated with a topical antifungal.
  • Controversy exists regarding the true nature of baby acne, some arguing that it is not truly acne but a rash that looks like acne with different underlying causes, but because the condition most commonly resolves on its own, the discussion is mostly academic. When treatment is offered, it is usually in the form of combination of antifungal creams along with a variety of creams typically used in the treatment of acne. Sometimes oral medications are used if warranted.
  • Baby acne presents as blackheads and inflammatory lesions, similar to the way adolescent acne would look. It can occur at anywhere from two months to two years of age or more. Baby boys are more commonly affected than girls. The face is typically involved. The underlying cause is thought to the hormonal.

Baby Acne Treatment

Once diagnosed, the acne is usually treated with appropriate oral or topical antibiotics in conjunction with topical benzoyl peroxide and low concentration of tretinoin. Unlike with baby acne, early treatment is important in even mild cases, as there is a significant risk of scarring.

If the acne is not broken yet, wash baby's face with a warm or hot water and baby soap two times a day. Make soap bubbles with warm water as much as possible in a basin. Use both hands to wash baby face with these soap bubbles for one minute. Use hot water from a shower to rinse the baby face for twenty seconds. Meanwhile use palm gently to pat the face. Then use warm water to rinse for another twenty seconds. Do this method three times a day.

How to get rid of baby acne

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So what's the best form of getting rid of acne scars? We can all agree that preventing the scars in the first place is the best idea. Even if you have acne that seems like it won't go away, here are options in prescription medications

Acne Treatment is Only Temporary

A number of number of excellent acne treatment creams and remedies are widely available in pharmacies and mass retailers. The best acne treatment creams contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which help get rid of breakouts by drying them up. Baby oil is good for baby skin. We all know that. Sensitive baby skin, freshly in the world, must be cosseted and nourished with completely safe products. 

How do I get rid of baby acne on a 6 month olds face?

How do I get rid of baby acne on a 6 month olds face? You just let it go away by itself. It goes away on it's own. Don't pick at it or mess with it or you will scar your baby's skin. 

Baby Acne: Update

The good thing about baby acne is that the condition resolves spontaneously w fef ithout any serious treatment in about a time period of four months. All that parents need to do is regularly clean the babys face with water and mild baby soap 

A Brief Overview Of Baby Acne

The ways of acne are indeed mysterious. If you have a family history of acne, that doesn't mean that your baby will have acne. And just because the baby has acne, it doesn't mean that, it will suffer from the attack of acne

By Jayashree Pakhare
Published: 1/23/2008
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